
 Unlocking Potential with Chemistry 

Zellcheming 2024, June 18-20 - Wiesbaden, DE
Stand 45, Hall Nord

We are excited to partecipate in Zellcheming 2024, the premier international trade fair for the pulp and paper industry. This year’s event will take place from June 18-20 in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Lamberti will be exhibiting at Stand 45, Hall Nord, where we will showcase our latest innovations in surface treatment and pulp optimization. Our team of experts will be available to answer your questions and discuss how our cutting-edge products can enhance your papermaking process.

Designing the Surface

Designing the Surface

Lamberti's Esacote® series of resins are engineered for superior surface treatment of paper, enhancing properties such as:

  • Barrier properties
  • Printability
  • Haptic and visual effects

Our Esacote resins come in various grades to meet specific customer needs. Additionally, we offer comprehensive technical services to help you choose the right resin for your application. Learn more about our surface treatment solutions.

High performance natural coating for barrier paper

Discover our revolutionary natural solution:Esacote® BIO BC 100. Crowned "Most Innovative Product" at the Milan Packaging Premiere's Avant Garde Contest, Esacote BIO BC 100 is transforming paper barriers.

From food industry waste to a sustainable barrier for food-contact paper.

Optimizing the Pulp

Optimizing the Pulp

Lamberti's Carbocel series of carboxymethyl celluloses (CMC) are designed for the optimization of pulp. These CMCs can be used to improve a variety of pulp properties, including:

  • Viscosity
  • Retention
  • Drainage
  • Strength
  • Dispersibility
  • Energy Saving at Refiners

Our Carbocel CMCs are available in a variety of grades to meet the specific needs of our customers. We also offer a variety of technical services to help you select the right CMC for your application.